Thursday, May 6, 2010

"You're So Hot" - XLR8

The next Filipino boygroup looks a lot Korean. The twinkiness! The androgyny! The sissy choreography! The company that gave us Viva Hot Men (Viva Records) rides on the K-Pop trend with a crowded assembly of hair-gelled, skinny-jeaned tweens, who are cute even though they look like clones of each other. The danceable single is catchy; Check out some witty Taglish rhymes. But can anyone really jerk off to this?

The song: B
The video: B-

Related Link:
About XLR8 and Introducing the Members


spaquarium said...

ROFL @ placement of lens flare at 3:05 :P

Suffern AC said...

I shall tear off my shirt to reveal...that other shirt I am wearing underneath the one I am ripping off. LOL

Bioutloud said... - so hot...

Xlr8 lover said...

You are so mean!!! Get ready to have death note,. Someday .. Wag mo silang minamaliit .dahil malayo ang mararating nila ,, just sit back .,and see,.!!! You bastard !!! You don't have rights to do this.,