We live in an age when the notion of celebrity is so malleable that a video can be made about a guy who isn’t famous, but it’s that video that may just make him famous. Knotty concept, eh? The real question is whether you’d want to spend your money on somebody’s video slam book. FreshMan fetishizes on a guy named Andrew Miguel, who apparently didn't have a life before this video; We know what he wants to become (a Somebody), but we don’t really understand who he is, or was. Instead, to create his pin-up status, we get crucial info like his favorite dessert (ice cream) or where he stands on the boxers/brief debate (I don't want to spoil it for you). Based on his rendition of the song "Reasons", he's probably not a pro singer, or not yet. But the guy is cute, and he models and undresses in the standard sexy settings – showering, swimming, reclining in bed, and in a campy surprise, eats that favorite dessert. I do think the video doesn’t show enough of him. If his soul couldn’t be bared, maybe his entire body should, if you know what I mean. I wonder if the MTRCB had a hand in the sanitation. At least they were kind to butt lovers, because the guy is not shy about mooning.
FreshMan is reportedly the first in a series. (Somphomore, Junior, and Senior are up next.) These will likely look better as a collected set. I hope they were intended to escalate in quality and daringness.
There's a split-second frame in the video's last segment that differs in the VCD and DVD versions. The DVD allows us a really quick glimpse of... something behind the towel. The DVD also includes a photo gallery, behind-the-scenes footage that's not much different from what's already in the main feature, and a ticket to win a date -- with Andrew Miguel? It didn't say. Raffle will be drawn on December 2009.
Related Links:
"MTRCB Mainit ang Mata sa mga Local Gay Soft Porn Indies"
More Pics of Andrew Miguel in Freshman