Twelve men -- in solo chapters representing the twelve months of the year (a New Year's reveler in January; a graduating schoolboy in March; and so on) -- strip to their bikinis, get wet, rub their bodies, but oddly, don't show their faces. I don't get it. The guys don't even do anything particularly wild (such as, there's no frontal nudity) to warrant the anonymity. It's a showcase of headless men doing boring things!
Granted, it's hard not to get enticed by close-ups of bodies, which range from light to dark-toned, baby-fatty to lean-and-ripped. There's miniscule masochistic pleasure to be had at watching patiently, waiting for something extraordinary to happen that doesn't, then settling for a guy's chin or obscured facial angles, imagining they're as hot as they're suggested to be. Sort of like the sexiness of a geisha's nape. You're thankful for what you get because they don't indulge you with much. But when it's over, you've merely sat through twelve months of blah.
The DVD contains no additional features.
hey tnx for d review. i won't certainly include this in my video collection! neva...
btw, i saw a dvd of "pinoy kamasutra 2" sa video stores starin viva hotbave myles (also includes boytoys but their names not printed on d back covers). hope u can make a review of it b4 me buying it!
also, i scanned d malls/video shops here in quezon ave and sm san lazaro. i wasnt able to c d stud work out video. saan kaya sya available? tnx agen.
hi josh,
i really should be quicker with my reviews if i want them to be of any practical service. maybe i'll write about pinoy kamastura 1 and 2 this week.
re: the studs video. it's released by videoflick productions inc.; it should be available in many stores. try odyssey music and video.
i am an avid video collector of this genre and i appreciate ur review as oftentimes i get so disappointed with my purchases. i don't mind buying all the available titles of this genre but i sure want my money's worth. keep the reviews coming. a wise consumer is a well informed consumer.
tnx - appreciate it
- josh
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